Recognition ~~ Schools

Letters from Viet Nam Statement from Mrs Lô Thị Thúy Liên,

Teacher of Phương Tiến Primary, Phương Tiến commune, Vị Xuyên District of Ha Giang Province:

In the 2023-2024 school year, the school has 1 satellite school and 1 main school. The total number of students in the school is 337. The central school has the largest number of students with 244 students. There were 80 children from remote villages were brought to the main school, where they were nurtured by teachers, creating conditions for them to attend school diligently and improve the quality of education. Above all, for the convenience of parents, they do not have to work hard to pick up and drop off their children. Every week, after finishing the Friday morning program, the children return home.

The school uses water sources to serve the daily activities of Phuong Tien Primary School's teachers and students, depending on people's houses to get water from the ravine, which is pulled 7km to 8km from the school. During the rainy season, the water source becomes cloudy and cannot be used. During the dry season, people often lose water, so teachers have to take students to bathe at local's houses.

Since the school received support for water purifiers and water bottles, it has helped students not have to bring water to class, and the school and boarding students have hygienic water for cooking and drinking. With a large number of students, to ensure clean water for students and teachers, we hope that sponsors will support the school in adding learning machines and water bottles.

On behalf of the students and staff, I would like to sincerely thank the sponsors.”
To: Organizers from Minors Asia

My name is Vang Ty Hoa from Class 7A of Bum To Middle School. Firstly, I would like to represent my classmates to thank the organization for your kindness and care.


We were born and raised in hardships in mountainous areas where most of our homes are far from school so we have to board at the school. The lives of more than 200 boarding students face many hardships, especially getting water for day to day use

When we do not have water, we have to walk a kilometer to bring buckets of water back to cook, clean pots and dishes wash clothes, and sometimes we even have to share a gulp of water with each other. Some of my friends cannot take the hardship so they dropped out of school.

But this month we have been extremely happy because Minors organization cared and sponsored to build a pipeline for us. Now, we do not have to go get water or compete with each other for a drop of water anymore. Watching each drop of clean water running to my feet is like a plant having each drop of water for it to sprout. I want to represent my classmates to wish the organizers at Minors good health, happiness, and the ability to go to other areas to help other students like us.

To: Organizers from Minors

From: All students from Class 8C of Bum To Middle School

Through the school meeting, we were able to know that the organization had sponsored a pipeline and cared for us. I am very happy because Minors has allowed [us] to have a pipeline to be used for when we cook at the boarding school. From now on, our garden will always be fresh and beautiful, our vegetables will always be clean because we now have a source for freshwater, and we will no longer have to endure hardship to travel down the stream to bathe.

Dear the organizers at Minors, my name is Y Ly Mi Co, student of Class 6B from Bum To Middle School. Today, I am representing the students from Class 6B and the 355 students from the middle school to thank the organizers at Minors.

We grew up in the mountainous area and endured a lot of hardship and lacking a lot of resources. Despite cold nights without blankets or humid days without a fan, the biggest hardship would have to be not having enough water for everyday use.

We do not have a well because the mountain is so high that we cannot dig deep enough, and we do not have a water system because the road is too far. The water that we use everyday is water from the stream. Each day we have to walk a long distance and climb over the mountain to get water to use. On days that are sunny is the same as days that are rainy.

We cannot count how many tiny footsteps have imprinted on the road to the stream. In these moments, we always wish for a spell that will come to us so that we will not have to carry the water. And our dream has become a reality when our principal announced to the school that we have received a sponsor to construct a pipeline for the school.

We are lucky to have met the organization and receive the love and support from the golden hearts of the organizers. I cannot hide my happiness so today I decided to represent my classmates to write this letter and send my thanks to the organizers at Minors.

I promise to work harder to not let down the contributions that I have received from the organizers.


During the past year, our school had a shortage of water everyday so we were very happy when the organization, Minors, had sponsored the construction of a pipeline for us.


We now have water to use freely, and we also have water for our vegetables and flowers We no longer have to worry about not having water.

Because the water is not clean, it will really affect our health and cause us to be sick. But if we get water from the south of the stream then we have to wait from morning to the afternoon to get 20 liters back to use because water comes out very slowly.


Ever since we have the pipeline to carry water straight to the school, we were able to know what clean water is, and we no longer have to bathe in the stream and we have more time to study and have fun. I would like to wish the organizers at Minors growth and success to help invest and care for people in the world.

Statement from Mrs Sùng Thị Say,

Principal of Kindergarten Giàng Chu Phìn, Giàng Chu Phìn commune, Mèo Vạc District of Ha Giang Province:

“Due to the rocky mountainous area and lack of water sources, people mainly use rain water. Currently, there is only 1 lake on the local place. Families who far from the lake needed to store their own rainwater in family water tanks.

When they run out of water, they have to go find far away water sources using 20l cans to carry the water back. Families who near the lake also store their own water, but when the water in the tank runs out, they will contribute money to buy water pipes.

The lake water is rainwater, and is brought from ditches so it cannot avoid dirt. Having a water filter helps keep the water used by teachers and students clean and safe.”

To: Organizers from Minors

My name is Vang Xe Nu from Class 9B from Bum To Middle School. Recently, Bum To Middle School revieved sponsorship from Minors for the construction of a pipeline.

My friends and I are very happy because from now on we will have a pipeline to support our everyday activity for the students that are boarding. As we already know in this life, water has a lot of important roles in the health and wellbeing of a human.

It helps with our personal hygiene, house cleaning, cooking and gardening. When we did not have the sponsorship of Minors, we had to use water from the stream and everyday had to carry water back to cook. The source of water was very dirty because there were a lot of trash in the stream. Ever since we’ve had the pipeline to carry water to the school, we were able to know about clean water and we no longer have to go down the stream to bathe.

Having clean water, we also have better health and more energy to play and study harder.

To: Minors Organization

First, I, Ky Ly Lo, student from Class 6A of Bum To Middle School, I would like to thank for the care, support, and development from Minors for aiding us students who are from poor villages with unfavoring circumstances in Lai Chau province. Bum To Middle School was able to receive the pipeline system for clean water. Through the meaningful encouragement from your organization, we are able to live and study with a clean source of water in school. The contributions from Minors has left a great impression for us.

My name is Ly Na Me. I was born and raised in the mountains, where the road to school is very rigorous. A hot day is like a rainy day, my friends and I have to travel really far to get water to cook, clean dishes, and water the vegetables.


When night falls, my friends and I have to go to the stream to bathe. Happiness came to us when our principal announced that the organization, Minors, has sponsored for the construction of a pipeline.


The task of cooking for the students at the boarding school will be easier and the rooms that we stay in will be cleaner [with the use of water], the vegetables will be more fresh. On the behalf of 35 students of Class 8C and 355 students of the school, I would like to give a big thank to the organizers at at Minors. Lastly, I want to wish the organizers good health and happiness and that the organization will become more successful and bring more goodness to society.

My name is Phung Xa Lo from Class 9A of Bum To Middle School. The students at my school and I are very happy when the organization, Minors, had sponsored for the construction of a water pipeline for us to have clean water to use.


As we know, water is very important to our health and it helps us to carry out personal activities like wash clothes, using the bathroom, clean dishes, make rice and water the vegetables.


When we did not have the sponsorship, we had to use water from the stream but because there are a lot of trash in the stream, along with ox and ducks bathings and swimming in the stream, we had to bathe north of the stream and had to take the water home to use for cooking.